How to fix Blank Screen

If your laptop screen is not working and is blank,  this can caused by any of the following reason.
· Monitor or System has no Power
· Monitor is defective
· Loose VGA/DVI Cable Connection
· Video Card Problem
· AGP/PCI-e Connector Problem / Motherboard
· System RAM Problem

However, while there may be a major problem you need to troubleshoot, here are some easy solutions to solve your problem:
1. Check the power source. While you have presumably already attempted to turn your laptop on and off, the problem may lie with your AC power adapter. Check whether the power-indicator light on the adapter on If not, your problem may lie here. However, whether or not you have a power indicator light on your adapter, consider to  plugging and unplugging it into another outlet. This may turn on your laptop and take care of your blank-screen problem.
2. Check the brightness settings. While it seems like a simple oversight, the brightness on your laptop may sometimes be turned all the way down. Thus, the screen appears to be black, off or defective, when the problem is simply that the brightness is on its lowest setting.
3. Check the laptop battery. There should be a battery indicator on the laptop. If there is no indicator, the battery itself may be the problem, and may require replacing. Take out the battery then put it back. Sometime its solve the problem.

Degausser : Protect hardisk from Degaussing

Digital storage needs maximum protection.With high storage capacities and many different types of information stored together, digital media are vulnerable to all kinds of abuse. Modern hard disk drives or magnetic storage tapes such as LTO or QIC can contain millions of written pages, together with other confidential information. All of this information is typically secured during use. But after the information is no longer in use, merely deleting all the files does not solve the problem. Most deleted information can easily be restored.
Spot tests made on disposed computers and hard disk drives showed that more than 80% of all tested hard disk drives had never been deleted and still contained personal data – and worse, roughly 50% of this data was hazardous!

Degaussing – a form of demagnetizing – is the process wherein a magnetic object, such as a computer tape, hard disk drive, or CRT monitor, is exposed to a magnetic field of greater, fluctuating intensity. A degausser is the machine that produces this intense magnetic field. When exposed to a fluctuating magnetic field produced by a degausser, the magnetic charge of an object is reset to a magnetically neutral state.

Facial Recognition Systems

Facial recognition systems are computer programs that are used for automatically identifying a person. Research on this technology started in the mid 1960s. This technology works by using several facial features in a person's image and comparing these with existing images in the database. Facial recognitions systems are used as an additional and mass security measure and are comparable to the other biometric security systems available today such as retina scanners, fingerprint scanners, etc.

Facial recognition systems have a wide range of commercial, government and military applications. The system is also slated for use in airports to speed up identity verification processes and to increase security. The system can also be used in ATMs to ensure that the one making the withdrawal is the card's owner. Mexican government also made use of facial recognition systems to match their voters from their database to verify identity and minimize voter fraud.